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Fundraising is not only about money, it also raises public awareness of SCN2A and the issues around rare diseases in general. Awareness can bring about change; change in policy, in research priorties, in treatment options. The more we get our name out there, the more help we’ll get in finding a cure. Please consider how you might be able to help.


Raise awareness

Share your story with friends and family, in private and/or through social media. Share our website with them. Tell all of your doctors about our foundation: Give them the web address; have the neurologists look for us at the annual American Epilepsy Society meeting every December; ask them to spread the word about SCN2A.



Make a tax deductible donation directly to the FamileSCN2A Foundation to be used for raising awareness, research and supporting families who are directly affected by SCN2A. Click Here to go to our DONATE page.


Raise funds

Sign up with Amazon Smiles and iGive, automated programs that donate a portion of online sales to charity. Follow the links below to sign up and choose The FamilieSCN2A Foundation as your charity. Both are easy one-time set ups and then you don’t have to think about it! Share with family and friends, especially those who order online a lot!












Set up your own ‘First Giving’ page through the foundation to collect online donations. To create your own FirstGiving page linked to the FamilieSCN2A Research Event follow this link:, then click on Fundraise and create your own page to share with family, friends and on social media.


Just ask! Most people are more than happy to support a worthy cause. Send them to our website to make a donation or mail a check to The FamlieSCN2A Foundation, P.O.Box 82, East Longmeadow, MA 01028.


  • Ask if their employer offers matching donations.

  • Instead of gifts for you or your child, ask for a donation in your child’s honor

  • Send a message to friends and family asking them to choose the foundation for Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving back on the Tuesday after US Thanksgiving.


Have a party!

There are many direct sales vendors who would be happy to do a fundraiser for you. You probably know someone who sells jewelry, kitchen gadgets/food, make up, toys, etc.


Host an event:

Host a fun activity night at a local business who will agree to donate a portion of the proceeds. This is an easy, fun way to get your friends and community involved.


T-shirt sales through for any occasion.


Buy a bravelet bracelet through this link:


Involve your local community by hosting a golf tournament, fun run, Color Dash or other 5k or 10k.


Whatever you decide, please let us know. We are here to support you with ideas, resources and more. Check out the FamilieSCN2a Fundraising Page on facebook to see how others have helped.

Ways To Contribute:

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